My eyes are open now

Screw this crap. Growing up in a broken household as an average gen category boy, I am done with this. I tried every freaking method of studying, suffering from anxiety and inferiority complex, and my marks going down the drain, I am tired and done. I don't care if someone defends jee or iits, I don't care if some fool says " saar, you can't criticise without beating the system saar", " aye aye tea is great saar". I care about my skills not my college or marks. I don't need to pass some random exam to prove myself, I have other ways to do it. Yes I am stressed, I don't care if someone says it's my mental blockade, I decide my actions you don't. Yes I am arrogant. This is what happens if you are not appreciated and your efforts don't pay off. I don't give a damn if you don't get into iit by .xxxxx percentile. This whole rat race is never ending and you are stuck in it. Who cares if you studied hard in 11th and 12th, your future doesn't. By the time you guys get jobs degrees will be worthless. call me whatever you want, I am doing things my own way. IITs f*ck you.