Do you guys believe in the existence of god??
Ok so i aint trying to be cool or anything like i dont believe in god, im better than u haha and that shit.... but i srsly dont believe in the existence of any higher power, god was created by humans to answer the questions they didnt know the answer to, Like why does the sun rise and set? god did it.... Why do stars move in the sky? God did it and etc..... i srsly think that religion doesn't hold as much weight now as it did like a hundred years ago...
I dont believe that either heaven or hell exists, to me nothingness is the perfect end to the human life.. i hate the process of idol worshipping like dude u aint gonna get things done if u just sit down and pray to a rock statue, the concept of spiritualism angers me and the thought of afterlife makes me laugh, like ppl dont know Biology and stuff, to me once the electrical functions of the brain cease, or if the brain is destroyed in some cases, only 2 things are possible
1> Nothingness
2> An infinite state of self thought... Like you are aware of your existence, retain the memories and can think.... but this one also contradicts basic biology as the reason for your thinking is the brain.... so if the brain is gone... the existence itself is gone
I come from a family who believe in god and their faith is rock solid, they r already angry at me for asking various questions about the credibility of our religion and stuff... so ya back to the first question..... do u guys believe in god?