Hololive Fixed their Prior Fes Problems while Innovating. And it's Amazing.
It's critical to have introspection now and then, and if I had any major complaints about past holo events it'd be,
Camera Work - Prior camera work had so many rapid cuts and long shots of the crowed that you'd miss most of Bae's choreo. Compare last year with this year and it's night and day, while there's still cuts we still have a major focus on the talents on what people paid to see and a mix of great pan views with talent focus. Absolutely fantastic change great job.
Vod Posting - Last year I believe we had almost a week between show and VoD uptime. The significant gap caused a giant boost towards piracy of the viewing experience as well as discontent. For those who paid for the stream it means if you slept or missed any of it you were SoL for a week, really an indeterminate amount of time since no time was announced.
This time the vod was up within about 15 mins and so I got some damn sleep and am now hearing polka do some poling. Again great change absolutely great job on cover's part fixing this.
Innovation wise everything looks even better, it's so damn well done and we get the Hexagon CUBE. Not even getting into performances and performance selection everything from a tech, management, and presentation standpoint is peak.