Needing Advice on approach
Hi everyone, i just want to vent out here and ask for advice on what to do.
I just started as a helper 3 weeks ago and kinda get frustrated with another helper while we go on an install and i go tag along with them for 2 weeks now so basically (1 lead and 2 helper)
I know that i have no experience in the trade at all but im really willing and have the drive to learn, however the helper that i am with always wants to do everything even if im asking "Hey man, can i do this (venting, drain etc..) but please guide me so i will learn how to do it" then he proceeds to teach me but minutes after he wants to do everything without even letting me do hands work or teaching me why were doing it this way.
Same applies to the lead, he barely teaches me, thats why i ask alot about what is this and that and i feel like im bothering him in someway if im asking things. (Thanks to youtube and just visually learning from now)
In regards to tools and parts he need, he only asked once and i know several of the parts already that i don't have to ask him again. (Sometimes i do, only when i never heard of it before)
Should i escalate this to management and ask for a different lead and helper to tag along with?
Or is this normal because im new and the lead is afraid that i will mess up things?
Am i rushing things?
Im not saying i can hack everything in my 3rd week as helper, but i want to learn and do hands-on with it.