Bad gas valve or bad control board

Hey sorry I'm still learning but I ran to an issue with a system. It was Amana model number GMS80453ANBC system would not stay lit it's not the pressure switch, high limit or any of the rollout switches. I couldn't tell if the gas valve had a short in it or if it was the control board here's what's happening whenever the system tries to kick on the gas valve it literally shuts off immediately I did pull out the terminals off of the gas valve to check the voltage I was getting 24 volts which is fine whenever I plugged it back into the gas valve I was getting 17 volts from the 12-pin connector. Just for fun I went ahead and grabbed a new gas valve off my truck it was doing the same thing I was getting 17 volts from the 12 pin connector I can't tell if my gas valve is bad or if the control board is bad. I should have gotten at least 24 volts on the new gas valve now granted this wasn't the proper gas valve but it's a 24 volt gas valve only difference is one is a Honeywell the other one is a White Roger. I did hotwire the gas valve and put 24 volts straight from the transformer to the gas valve and I was able to get it open I'm not sure if I should lean towards a bad board or bad gas valve can somebody offer me their expertise I would much appreciate it.