Need to Seriously Lose Weight After a Brutal Wake-Up Call
21M, 183 cm, 105 kg.
Yesterday, my cousin (28) had a heart attack. He is fit, eats well, doesn't smoke or drink. This shook me because I have a family history of heart attacks. I got a blood test done right after:
LDL (Bad Cholesterol): 146 mg/dl
HDL (Good Cholesterol): 33 mg/dl
Triglycerides: 75 mg/dl
If someone as fit as him can have a heart attack this early, then for me, it’s not IF I get one, but WHEN.
Current Diet:
- Breakfast: Skip
- Lunch: 3 sunny side-up eggs, 2 slices brown bread, 1 fruit plate (pineapple, watermelon, banana)
- Dinner: 1 katori paneer butter masala, 1 katori rice, 300g dahi
- Other: 2 cups of tea (1 tsp sugar each) everyday
- Junk Food: Pizza (2-3 times a week), Milk chocolate (50g daily), Soft drinks (300ml 1-2 times a week)
- Water: 2-3 liters everyday
Physical Activity:
- Table tennis (casual) - 30-40 min daily
- Walking 7k-8k steps daily
Currently interning in Bangalore. Need to lose weight and improve my health ASAP.
PS: I'm also really tired of my friends’ "friendly" teasing, calling me names like Mota Bhai, Winnie the Pooh, etc. Really makes me lose any remaining confidence I have left