How would you have ended the Original Series?

Let's say Deb doesn't get shot (for some reason like really badly this time) and put on life support, and Dexter doesn't walk out of the hospital with her body (without anybody noticing somehow) and rides off into a hurricane and martrys himself (but actually not really).

I wa obsessed with Dexter while it was running, but it seems like at some point it writes into a corner, resulting in a finale that many find alienating and lazy. Do you think killing off Rita kills the story entirely? Or do you believe it's still salvageable afterward?

At its peak, Dexter is delicious comfort food that eventually becomes something relatively foreign to what it what made it so captivating in the first place. Even if it requires more suspension of disbelief than other TV shows, it's still an enjoyable ride, but maybe just not as much as the first 4 seasons.

So in hindsight, how would YOU land this plane? I'm interested to hear the other ideas that may be floating around in your lil noggins