Talking with atheists is pointless because they don't want to believe
Atheists demand proof of God's existence but said proof can only come in the way God has prescribed.
Christ said " and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you."
Spiritual things can only be known spiritually and God desires us to seek him. Christ said "...he that followeth after me shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself."
Revelation of God's existence comes through the power of the Holy Ghost which makes manifest the things of God. This Revelation is given when we fast and pray and try and live right and keep the commandments of God. It does take Faith to do these things but without faith we don't receive the promised reward. As Christ told Peter "...blessed art thou Simon Bar-Jonah for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee but my father who is in heaven." Peter had the faith to follow Christ and he received the promised reward. And it isn't emotion or feelings, it's the spirit of God coming inside you like a supernova and you KNOW it when it happens. As Christ stated.
Christians can talk about the fine tuning of the universe, near death experiences, synchronicity, etc etc until the cows come home but only God can prove himself to people by the power of his spirit; everything else can be argued either way. And yes God manifests himself to Christians Muslims Hindus Jews and everyone who seeks him.
The thing is some people don't want to believe for intellectual reasons and some don't want to believe because they don't want to align themselves with God; they want to live however they want.
Interested in your thoughts. I was agnostic and went through the steps prescribed and God has revealed himself to me. Hope everyone is well out there!!