How to get better at resisting gluten foods

Hi guys! I’ve been diagnosed with celiac disease since I was 11 ish and have been dealing with it for around 5 years. In the beginning i was good at being gluten free and i felt myself become healthier (i had super bad anemia before). But more recently im not on a gf diet and have gluten probably like 3 times a week. I can obviously feel the symptoms and all that but i think ive always just dismissed it as symptoms from being lactose intolerant and never realized that gluten actually harms my organs unlike lactose. How did you guys start your gf diet? I think ive always had a hard time resisting food but with gluten I find myself wanting it even mlre, especially because all the alternatives for gluten just are never the same.

Also I was browsing the sub and saw people talking about food being contaminated and also about how some makeup has gluten in it. I understand the food part but not the makeup bit. Is that for everyone or is it if you have a certain reaction to gluten?

And does anyone know if muscle pain can be associated with celiac?

Also I would like to apologize for any confusion in my post, I’m about to go to bed right now. Thank you, goodnight!