Why doesn't this Brazilian grill have any vents for oxygen?
I've seen a Brazilian of these grills here in Pernambuco and I've tried to use one twice with unsatisfactory results.
As an American, I don't understand why it has no oxygen vents to keep the fire going. the single vent is on the top. I've seen many sold in stores and none have vents.
How are you supposed to use this thing? I propped open the cover a little to let oxygen in, but it just didn't cook the way I wanted it to.
Are you intended to just close it up with hot charcoal, and expect the grill to slowly cool as the food cooks? I wish I could maintain a consistent low temperature for a length of time, but I can't figure out how this is supposed to work.
I tried googling this, but Google just gives me results about grills with vents. Thanks for any insight you may have.