How much performance loss are you seeing using bazzite, and how much are you willing to lose?

Obviously I expect to lose some performance as there is basically a translation layer running these games.

Some games such as cyberpunk have minimal performance loss and is nearly equal to windows with the same settings. Control seems to be just as performant between bazzite and windows as well. For 1-2fps I'm not going to bat an eye.

However, most games that I've tried are significantly worse, about 10-20% loss in performance. For example, Starfield I was getting 64fps on high settings at 4k with FSR set to quality. Under bazzite, I'm getting 55fps in the same spot. Enough that it's no longer 60fps and I need to lower settings.

I've noticed the same trend with other games such as Sons of the forest, No man's sky, Hogwarts legacy, and Forza 5. They are all no where close to the performance of windows. Forza 5 was especially bad with the built in benchmark 82fps vs 62fps.

Is everyone else here seeing similar trends? Do you find that it's worth it? I greatly enjoy the fluidity of bazzite and game scope, but probably won't end up staying on it knowing that I'm losing that much performance.

My specs for reference:

5800x3d 7800xt 32gb ram