I am the most disgusting person ever
Truly I have to be, or there has to be something wrong with me. I have a partner, for three years we've been strong, he's always been affectionate and loving. His love language seems to be physical touch, but lately he's been very distant. I brought it up and he just said it was stress, but he's started making little jokes and comments about me/my body that on their own is funny or not a big deal, but with the way I overthink it's horrible. I have told him and he explained that what I thought isn't what he meant but he is still distant and saying things that, I am taking out of context, but still hurt. Here's where I belive I am disgusting. I had/have an eating disorder, and so I am basically skin and bones. Of course there's fat on my bones but still. Anyway, we usually have fun no matter what at least once when I come to his house, but recently he doesn't seem to want to. It started around a month ago, he pointed out how my body did something weird, I didn't think about it so I don't remember what he said, but after that he's made comments about how my armpit caves in when I have my arm a certain way, he can see my ribcage too clearly, there's hair where it shouldn't be, the spots on my body are very noticeable, etc. I do not think he means to hurt me, and when I tell him it does he'll explain and apologize, but I feel like I just gross him out. The biggest thing, my period, he's always been hesitant to have period sex, but ultimately he will as he really wants to. But for some reason he didn't want to the last time I was over.. he just laid there and cuddled/slept, and we ate, and played video games separately. I think he finds my body repulsing.. and the period doesn't help, and there's distance between us because we're at a really stressful time in our lives. Another thing, we're both stressing, but he says he doesn't want to talk about it and he's easily aggravated and stuff, he doesnt really want to talk to people and he includes me in the people he doesn't want to talk to.. but I only want to talk to him, spend time with him and stuff. I think he's losing feelings and I think it's because of my body and him finally losing that rose-colored honeymoon phase relationships are in at the beginning.. he also points out my flaws, like how I say offensive things about people when they're around. He never pointed out flaws before and now I think I annoy him with it.. I'm so disgusting, inside and out.
This post doesn't really explain everything and could be taken out of context I am just typing to get it out of my head.. he's not purposely mean and he really tries not to, and I overthink his words and actions, and he is always trying to be nice and he has been overall amazing these past few years.