How can we get our cat to stop over-grooming?

TL;DR Cat's licked her fur off, vet determined it isn't anxiety/stress, we have six months to try solutions (or at least slow down her voracious licking) while we wait for a feline dermatologist appointment.

We haven't changed anything in the house or habits but a few months ago my cat started licking and never stopped. Now, everywhere her tongue can hit has no fur. We took her to our vet and did tests to determine that she's healthy. We did some medication and supplement trials (gabapentin, cbd, feliway) and even invited over a cat behaviorist and determined it wasn't anxiety.

We've scheduled a specialist appointment with a cat dermatologist to see if she could be having a skin issue, even though she doesn't seem to show any signs of skin irritation or rash. I guess these kinds of specialists are in high demand because our appointment is still six months out.

Is there anything that you recommend trying in the interim while she continues to lick day and night? Even if it isn't a solution but something to slow the poor girl down so she doesn't lick her skin off in six months would be great.

* Species: Cat (indoor)

* Age: 13

* Sex/Neuter status: Spayed

* Breed: Tortie

* Body weight: 11-12 lbs

* Clinical signs: constant grooming, no fur on belly, butt or legs.

* Duration: under 3 months

* Your general location: central TX