Using Caribbean dialect incorrectly

For my Caribbean people that are living abroad, do you ever hear people butcher our words or use them in the wrong context?

I think it’s beautiful that Caribbean culture has had such an impact on the way people speak in London, Toronto and New York. However, this has invited non caribbean people to use our dialects as “slang”. It doesn’t bother me too much, but I just find it kinda cringe when I hear people misuse or mispronounce phrases.

I live in the UK, and over here, Jamaican patois has heavily influenced slang in London. But it’s weird to hear White british and west african kids spam words like Bumboclaart and bludclaart, or say words like “ting”, “gyaldem”, “Carni”, “suck your mum” etc. It doesn’t sound natural when they say it and it sounds like they’re forcing it.

I think the worst part about it, is that our dialects get treated as “slang” despite the fact that this is how we normally speak. In college, me and my friend (I’m born in Belize and she’s born in Jamaica) were having a conversation, and we didn’t feel the need to put on a british accent because we could both understand eachother when we spoke in our mother tongue. The rest of our group (Nigerian, Ugandan and Romanian) came over and accused us of speaking like Roadmen.

Have any of you noticed this phenomenon or is it just me?