should my brother consider divorce
well, my cousin brother(32m) got married to his wife(30f) 4 years ago and my brother was always against the concept of having a child, and during courtship he told this to his wife even and she agreed about this but for the 2 years has been extreme for my brother as his wife going crazy about having a child , so crazy that one time she almost got pregnant and recently both sides of family had a small Meeting where everbody is convincing him for having a child and this moment he got really angry as if he is a child and need to tell him what to do , so he dopped the bomb and tell his wife and in-laws to consider a divorce as both my brother wants a child free marriage and his wife is still in prime to have a kid
edit: "the almost got pregnant " that my brother's wife doesnt like doing it with condoms, so she uses ipill (it was her idea of using ipill or whatever instead of condoms) but this time she didn't took it and got almost pregnent and my brother caught her
edit 2 - there is each and every recording that my brother earns 70 lpa and his wife 85 lpa and both of their fiannaces are seperate and there was no dowry taken or not any form of gist exchanged, and we also have bills of reception which my brother paid and his marriage that his in-laws paid and my brother doesnt live with his parents