unfortunately, genesight concluded that common antidepressants probably won’t work for me based on my genotype (lexapro, celexa, zoloft), but it also gave me some good food for thought.
i have the MTHFR gene which may give me some insight into why some of the things i struggle with happen, and those things are the main thing feeding into my anxiety. i feel really lucky that i could get this test done.
honestly, i feel… relieved? for some reason? like maybe this means i’m okay, and there’s only small-scale things that are wrong with me and not scary, immediate danger things. idk, i’m just feeling some relief from my results.
for now, i think i’m still okay with rawdogging the anxiety, but if that changes i may try prozac again even though it didn’t work before. maybe a higher dose may do the trick. i’m also going to try vitamins to help the MTHFR stuff.